Wickeds Way by Havan Fellows

Wickeds Way by Havan Fellows

Author:Havan Fellows
Language: eng
Format: mobi, epub, azw3
Published: 0101-01-01T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Two

Wick gave the kid props, it couldn't have been easy to stick that tightly on Wick's tail. Of course, he wasn't trying to lose the kid, but he wasn't exactly trying to keep him either.

He quickly made short business of climbing and jumping over a specially designed eight foot privacy fence. He heard some scraping and struggling on the other side of the fence and smirked. The pest wouldn't be able to make it over that bad boy anytime soon.

Leaning against said fence, he propped his heel on it and pulled out his phone. In seconds, he slid his thumb over the face of it and had the code typed in, bringing up the keyboard so he could start a text message. "Need a hand over there?"

"Kiss my ass. If you can do it, I can do it."

Wick humphed. "I've had more practice in the whole fences aspect of life."

"So you'd think." Heavy breathing accompanied the words.

Words that made Wick wonder.

"You can always walk around and meet me. There's an opening a ways down. I promise I'll wait for you…maybe."

"Fuck…" A big intake of air followed the non-kid-friendly grunt. "You…"

A bang rattled the otherwise sturdy fence right before Wick saw small hands grasp the thankfully pointless top. Following that display of persistence came a kid flying through the air and hurrying to meet the ground.

"Damn, superboy! Tuck and roll, tuck and roll," Wick hollered as the kid landed on his side with a thick thud.

He hit send on his text message then quickly raised his phone and snapped a picture of one very pissed off looking kid. "That was awesome, all you need is the big S on your shirt and you'd be legit." Wick slid the phone back into his pocket then clapped as he pushed off the fence and continued walking.

He made it three steps before his legs were knocked out from under him. He started pinwheeling his arms as he fell backward.

"What the fu—" was all he uttered before his head met with the hard packed dirt and grass and bounced a couple of times for good measure.

Shaking off the fog that threatened to envelop him, Wick jumped wobbly to his feet, immediately taking a defensive stance and looking around for the threat. He used more focus than normal to maintain his balance thanks to the head banging issue. It became clear that the two of them were alone…and the brat stood about a dozen feet away laughing his ass off.

"Now we're even, asshole." The evil thing flicked him off and walked in the direction Wick had.

Wick's hand rested on the gun in his holster, the same gun that probably bruised him with that damn flip. He had a perfect shot at the unsuspecting evil demon spawn. Just one small squeeze of the trigger and he could go about his day like nothing ever happened. No witnesses. No messy cover-up required.

He sighed, withdrew his hand and readjusted his light jacket that hid the holster. "Hey, you sorry little son of a bitch.


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